🎥 Understanding God's Delight in Us in Our Weakness

Primer Description

Knowing God's delight in us in the midst of our weakness is a truth that must be experienced personally and powerfully many times over in the life of those who love Jesus. In this video, Sarah Edwards shares how this truth is her "home-base" and more needed now in her life than she ever realized. Lord, bring us under your gaze and feel the power of your delight to bring us forward through the sin that can so easily entangle.

Questions & Reflection

Lord, bring us under your gaze and feel the power of your delight to bring us forward through the sin that can so easily entangle. Remind us that you are for us. Jesus keep knocking on every area in our hearts until we open to You.

Prayer Report 📈

<aside> 📌 Just a reminder to complete your Prayer Report in Schoology before Saturday night.


See you at the altar 🔥