Personal Receiving in Prayer

Primer Description

In this video, we discuss how to carry our hearts before the LORD knowing that He receives each one of us in our personal uniqueness in corporate contexts of prayer and worship.

Questions & Reflection


Cooperate prayer is so important. there's a value to worshiping all together. A key thing to prayer is knowing that our voice matters and the Lord hears it and also uses us to encourage others. When we’re in the midst of the crowd we have to know that we stand before him alone meaning that we have to know his delight in each of us personally. It's so important to know that when we lift our voices in the midst of the crowd he hears us and delights in our voices and what we are saying to him. YOU ARE HIS FAVORITE.

Prayer Report πŸ“ˆ

<aside> πŸ“Œ Just a reminder to complete your Prayer Report in Schoology before Saturday night.


See you at the altar πŸ”₯